Discover powerful strategies on how to work more efficiently and achieve anything you set in mind! Procrastination equation is not as complicated as it may seem. It all begins by hacking laziness and beating procrastination, which are the most common barriers to taking action, working on big projects, or even taking chances in life. In this book, You'll discover: The five fundamental "keystone habits" of productivity How to change your mindset to cultivate success And so much more…. In an eye-opening and thoroughly engaging read, this book offers a treasure trove of insights and best practices that will help you accomplish more. To get started, simply scroll up and click the "buy" button right now! Rev. Dave BAiley, no 85 years of age, has been in minsitry for over sixty-four years. With his wife Eileen, they founded Ranch Hope for Boys and Girls in 1964. He has been on radio for over sixty-four years, totaling 21,000 plus programs. This book is his testimony of how much Sunday school played a role in his spiritual life - providing the foundation of his faith. While his college and graduate school education was important, those early lessons from the Bible and witness from lay teachers had a major impact.